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What is Mace Pepper spray?

Mace Pepper Spray is a self-defense and security tool commonly used by law enforcement officers. It is a non-lethal weapon that, when sprayed on an assailant, causes intense burning sensations in the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat. The active ingredient in Mace Pepper Spray is oleoresin capsicum (OC), also known as capsaicin, which is derived from hot peppers. When Mace Pepper Spray is released into the air it forms an aerosolized mist that can travel up to 12 feet away from the user. In some cases it can even reach up to 18 feet away depending on the wind conditions. Once inhaled or touched by skin it will cause burning sensations and temporary blindness for around 30 minutes or longer.

What are the types of mace pepper spray?

Animal Repellents

Animal Repellents are a type of Mace Pepper Spray designed to repel animals such as dogs, cats, and other mammals. Animal repellents typically contain higher concentrations of Capsaicinoids which cause unpleasant burning sensations that can deter animals from entering or attacking an area. Animal repellents come in various forms such as sprays, granules, aerosols, and electronic devices. 


Gel Spray is another form of Mace Pepper Spray that releases a sticky gel-like substance when sprayed. This form of pepper spray works by sticking to an assailant’s skin and clothing which reduces the spread of the agent and minimizes blowback. It also has a longer range than other pepper sprays, reaching up to 18 feet away in some cases.

Pepper spray

Pepper spray is the most popular form of Mace Pepper Spray. It contains a high concentration of oleoresin capsicum (OC) and is designed to cause intense burning sensations in an assailant’s eyes, nose, mouth, and throat. It also has a long range of up to 12 feet away and can be used in close quarters if needed.

What are the laws and regulations around mace pepper spray?

The laws and regulations around Mace Pepper Spray vary by state. Generally, Mace Pepper Spray is legal to purchase and possess in all 50 states, but some states may have restrictions on age or may require that the user be certified before being allowed to carry it. In addition, users must be aware of any local laws and regulations in their area that could restrict the use or carrying of pepper spray. For example, some cities have ordinances that prohibit the possession of any type of weapon including pepper spray. It is important to familiarize yourself with your state’s laws before purchasing and using Mace Pepper Spray.


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